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Some of you think we’re just the bee’s knees.  And that’s a-okay by us.  If you are one of those crazy Heroes just welling up with the desire to support us as we fight the good fight then you are in the right place.

Hug Us With Your Words

Let us know how we are doing. If you are feeling too cocky lately and need to be knocked down a peg, feel free to even tell us where you think we could improve. We’ll be sure to set you straight and let you know how wrong you are. Maybe.

Also, if you just love us and want to have our babies, sorry, but that’s not the type of blog this is. We don’t earn money on the side like that. We are flattered, really, but we’ll take a hard pass.

But if you just want your heroic side and our heroic sides to high-five? Then shoot us a message.  We accept words of encouragement, of praise, of interesting stories, of wisdom, and of praise.

Toot The Heroic Horn

Follow us on social media. We have all the social medias. We social media real good. We like internet.

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  • or even subscribe to the RSS Feed if you like to read more of our delicious words than 140 characters can convey in one sitting.

Alternatively, if an article or segment on this site really resonated with you then share it amongst your people.  Then your people can meet my people and we’ll jam.


Some other personal finance sites offer loads of useful content (not as much as this one, but cut them some slack) and their readers are so grateful that they donate to the cause.

We hope you are that grateful, but as much as we’d like the added bit of financial freedom that your selfless donation would provide, we aren’t taking your stinkin’ charity.  Other sites are welcome to – hey, that’s the free market at work, after all – but we feel like it would cut against what we are trying to teach you.

Don’t throw your money away.

If we needed the donations to operate the site and to continue providing value to you then it wouldn’t be a waste on your end; it would be an investment. But we are going to trudge on with Hundred Dollar Hero regardless.

So keep your money.  Or better yet, check out one of the ways to put your money to better use for you.

If you haven’t yet, subscribe to our newsletter.. It’ll make you instantly more awesome and more attractive.

We’ll see you on the other side.