Privacy Policy


1.1. PURPOSE OF POLICY. The administrators of Hundred Dollar Hero (“us”, “we,” “Company”) are committed to respecting the privacy rights of visitors and other users of (the “Site”). We created this Privacy Policy (this “Policy”) to give you confidence as you visit and use the Site, and to demonstrate our commitment to fair information practices. This Policy is only applicable to the Site, and not to any other websites that you may be able to access from the Site, each of which may have data collection and use practices and policies that differ materially from this Policy.


PLEASE NOTE: We do not direct any of our content specifically at children under 13 years of age pursuant to the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998. Further, this site is deals with mature themes and is intended for a more mature audience.



In operating the Site, we collect personal information from you in three situations. The first is if you should contact us via the “contact” page. In doing so, you will provide us with your name and email address. The second is if you leave a comment to a blog post during which you may be asked for a name and other information. You are not required to provide us with information via these three methods to use and enjoy the Site.


(a) AUTOMATIC COLLECTION. Our servers automatically recognize visitors’ domain names and IP addresses (the number assigned to computers on the Internet). No personal information about you is revealed in this process. The Site may also gather anonymous “traffic data” that does not personally identify you, but that may be helpful for marketing purposes or for improving the services we offer.

(b) COOKIES. From time to time, we may use the standard “cookies” feature of major browser applications that allows us to store a small piece of data on your computer about your visit to our Site. Cookies help us learn which areas of our Site are useful and which areas need improvement through programs including, but not limited to, Google Analytics. We may also use cookies from third party social sites and programs including, but not limited to, Facebook, Google Plus and Twitter. You can choose to disable cookies through your browser or independent programs available online. However, if you choose to disable this function, your experience at our Site may be diminished as some features may not work as they were intended.

(c) SPONSORS AND ADVERTISERS. We may decide to accept sponsorship and advertisements on the Site. Should this occur, you should assume said sponsors and advertisers will be given access to the impressions and click data on their marketing pieces. Your personally identifiable information will never be revealed to them by us.



(a) PERSONAL INFORMATION. We do not disclose the personally identifiable information to any third parties other than those that we use to facilitate the functioning of the site such as a hosting company and email program for mailings.

(b) ANONYMOUS INFORMATION. We use anonymous information to analyze our Site traffic. In addition, we may use anonymous IP addresses to help diagnose problems with our server, to administer our site, or to display the content according to your preferences. Traffic and transaction information may also be shared with business partners and advertisers on an aggregate and anonymous basis.

(c) USE OF COOKIES. Promotions or advertisements displayed on our site may contain cookies. We do not have access to or control over information collected by outside advertisers on our site.

(d) DISCLOSURE OF PERSONAL INFORMATION. We may disclose any information we have for you if required to do so by law or in the good-faith belief that such action is necessary to (1) conform to the edicts of the law or comply with legal process served on us, (2) protect and defend our rights or property or the users of the Site, or (3) act under exigent circumstances to protect the safety of the public or users of the Site.

(e) SALE OF INFORMATION. In order to accommodate changes in our business, we may sell or buy portions of the Site or our company, including the information collected through this Site. If Company or substantially all of its assets are acquired by a third party, user information will be one of the assets transferred to the acquirer.


The Site has security measures in place to prevent the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information that we obtain from you, but we make no assurances about our ability to prevent any such loss to you or to any third party arising out of any such loss, misuse, or alteration.



From time-to-time, the Site may contain links to other websites. If you choose to visit those websites, it is important to understand our privacy practices and terms of use do not extend to those sites. It is your responsibility to review the privacy policies at those websites to confirm that you understand and agree with their practices.



If you have any questions about this Policy or our practices related to this Site, please feel contact us using the “Contact” link on the menu located at the top of the site.


We reserve the right, at any time, to add to, change, update, or modify this Policy to reflect changes in our Privacy Policy. We shall post any such changes on the Site in a conspicuous area. You may then choose whether you wish to accept said policy changes or discontinue using the Site. Any such change, update, or modification will be effective 30 days after posting on the Site. It is your responsibility to review this Policy from time to time to ensure that you continue to agree with all of its terms.

(a) If you have signed up for email communications from us, we will notify you of the privacy policy changes by email as well.

7. AdSense

If you require any more information or have any questions about our privacy policy, please feel free to contact us by email at

At Hundred Dollar Hero, the privacy of our visitors is of extreme importance to us. This privacy policy document outlines the types of personal information is received and collected by and how it is used.

Log Files
Like many other Web sites, Hundred Dollar Hero makes use of log files. The information inside the log files includes internet protocol ( IP ) addresses, type of browser, Internet Service Provider ( ISP ), date/time stamp, referring/exit pages, and number of clicks to analyze trends, administer the site, track user’s movement around the site, and gather demographic information. IP addresses, and other such information are not linked to any information that is personally identifiable.

Cookies and Web Beacons
Hundred Dollar Hero does use cookies to store information about visitors preferences, record user-specific information on which pages the user access or visit, customize Web page content based on visitors browser type or other information that the visitor sends via their browser.

DoubleClick DART Cookie
Google, as a third party vendor, uses cookies to serve ads on

Google’s use of the DART cookie enables it to serve ads to users based on their visit to and other sites on the Internet.

Users may opt out of the use of the DART cookie by visiting the Google ad and content network privacy policy at the following URL –

Some of our advertising partners may use cookies and web beacons on our site. Our advertising partner is Google AdSense.

These third-party ad servers or ad networks use technology to the advertisements and links that appear on Hundred Dollar Hero send directly to your browsers. They automatically receive your IP address when this occurs. Other technologies ( such as cookies, JavaScript, or Web Beacons ) may also be used by the third-party ad networks to measure the effectiveness of their advertisements and / or to personalize the advertising content that you see.

Hundred Dollar Hero has no access to or control over these cookies that are used by third-party advertisers.

You should consult the respective privacy policies of these third-party ad servers for more detailed information on their practices as well as for instructions about how to opt-out of certain practices. Hundred Dollar Hero’s privacy policy does not apply to, and we cannot control the activities of, such other advertisers or web sites.

If you wish to disable cookies, you may do so through your individual browser options. More detailed information about cookie management with specific web browsers can be found at the browsers’ respective websites.